Deployment Patterns

Deployment Patterns

There are several types of deployments or deployment Patterns that are commonly used. This section will cover some of the most common. Please note that there aren't hard and fast rules here. You may need to modify these patterns to fit your needs. But this should give you a good starting point to understanding what OttoDeploy can do for you.

Dev to Production

This is the simplest deployment pattern. You have a development environment and a production environment. You develop in the development environment and then deploy to production. Read more...

Refresh Staging

Ths pattern is for pulling fresh data from production to your staging environment. Read more...


Vertical market solution providers need to upgrade several copies of the same application on a server. Read more...

Refresh Dev

This pattern is for pulling fresh data from your production file if you do not use a staging file and need to work with production data. Read more...

Recurring Deployments

Want to run a deployment that pulls down your production data every Friday night or move your changes in development to staging regularly? This pattern lets you use FileMaker schedules to set up deployments that repeat. Read more...

Low Downtime Deployments

This pattern is an example of a deployment with the shortest downtime of your files possible with OttoFMS. Great if you need strict maintenance windows or have users around the world who need high uptime. Read more...