Version History

OttoDeploy Version History


Released: 12/3/2024

Minor Changes

  • Added support for renaming files using the FMDeveloperTool in OttoFMS version 4.8.0
  • The "Push Build" option will now default on for new deployments. Old deployments should not be affected by this change.

Patch Changes

  • Added a new setting to turn off the default behavior of filling the source file credentials with the credentials stored in the source build.
  • Added a sub-deployment count to the deployments list
  • Fixed an issue where the subfolder set up in the default options would not be respected.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not select a build when using the "destination build inbox" source type without advanced options turned on.


Released: 9/24/2024

Major Changes

  • Servers can now be added to OttoDeploy via the Ottomatic Cloud Console. Simply select "Add from Cloud Console" in OttoDeploy to authenticate with the Cloud console and choose which servers you'd like to connect to OttoDeploy.
  • If OttoDeploy fails to fetch the new copy of the html it will no longer wipe out the existing html in the file.
  • Added a default window location to the OttoDeploy file.
  • OttoDeploy now ensures that there is only one system record on startup.
  • OttoDeploy will now pull from a new download location for new versions. This location should have faster downloads for more users.

Minor Changes

  • Added support for pre-deployment scripts in OttoFMS 4.7.0 and later.

Patch Changes

  • fixed an issue where a file installed onto a server in a sub-deployment could not be used in a later sub-deployment as a source
  • fixed an issue where a blank screen would be displayed when notification settings with duplicate labels were present and you attempted to add a notification to a deployment.
  • added some general fixes covering visuals and keyboard navigation in some of the popup forms.


Released: 8/26/2024

Minor Changes

  • Added support for deploying from a build on offsite storage.
  • Added support for the "build_inbox" source type in OttoFMS version 4.6.2.
  • Added support for custom close files messages, introduced in OttoFMS 4.6.0.
  • Added a script timeout option to the pre-build script.
  • Added the script timeout as an option to the post-deployment script.
  • Added a setting to automatically open up the OttoFMS console when running a deployment.
  • Added support for publishing builds to server offsite locations (introduced in OttoFMS 4.6.0).

Patch Changes

  • Fixed an issue where newly added files would not be selected in the file set.
  • The rebuild indices and reevaluate field calcs migration settings will now properly change the "add" button to an "edit" button in the file overrides column of a deployment.
  • Added more discrete override checking for files in deployments. (this drives the edit/add button).


Released: 7/15/2024

Patch Changes

  • Fixed a bug where the default value for the file to pull fonts from was not being respected.
  • Fixed a bug where you were not able to deploy files from a build onto themselves in a same server migration using a build as a source.
  • Fixed an issue where a "source file not found" error would appear when using a build as an alternate source.
  • Files in a sub-deployment can now be reordered via drag and drop. File order directly reflects order of the file operations in a deployment.
  • Added support for the "Push Build" functionality which should help with Windows IIS issues. This option is available in advanced deployments under the build options menu in the source settings.
  • Fixed a bug where links to external sites would not open in another broswer on Windows.


Released: 6/20/2024

Patch Changes

  • added handling for custom environment tags from OttoFMS
  • the colors of the clone or copy button in the build files table now matches the color in teh build review window
  • added a button to copy the slack channel url in the notifications settings
  • fixed typo in notification settings


Released: 5/13/2024

Patch Changes

  • fixed an issue where the hostname is duplicated when trying to download a build from OttoDeploy


Released: 5/7/2024

Patch Changes

  • fixed an error with certain deployment and build options not being saved if they were the only thing changed.


Released: 4/29/2024

Patch Changes

  • added the option to keep files closed after a deployment is completed
  • added some clarification to the settings in OttoDeploy
  • added the option to close files after the build is completed for a sub-deployment, reducing the downtime of a file
  • the build source server select no longer has the option to select a build url
  • you can now edit the clone/copy setting on each file in a build inline rather than having to open the overrides modal.
  • added validation to prevent migrating a copy
  • changed the exit button in the review deployment window to say "Return"
  • added an ongoing build log to the review screen after a build is sent. It is updated every few seconds with the log from the server.
  • added a select all button for the close additional files option. This will select all files to close (if filtering the list it will only select filtered items).
  • added validation to prompt for encryption keys for encrypted files
  • the deployment, build, and server tables now have a better loading state
  • added OttoFMS and Filemaker versions to the servers table
  • when using a build as a source, we will now display whether a file is a clone or copy inline in the deployment
  • added http error handling to most calls to servers, giving better error responses on sending off builds, reviewing deployments, reviewing builds, and more
  • Updated sidebar close button
  • added Slack Notifications as a sub-deployment option
  • if using advanced options and there is only one sub-deployment the name of the sub-deployment will be synced with the name of the deployment as a whole. This can be overriden on the sub-deployment simply by changing the name.
  • added the option to close files during a build when running copies. This will speed builds dramatically for copies.


Released: 4/3/2024

Patch Changes

  • fixed icon sizes on windows being too large


Released: 3/18/2024

Minor Changes

  • builds can now be deleted from your OttoFMS outbox on your server directly from OttoDeploy. This option is available in the three dots menu on the build screen
  • OttoDeploy now allows files within a deployment or sub-deployment to be duplicated. This will allow you to add the same file to a deployment multiple times with different destination filenames. You are unable to add the same file with the same destination filename multiple times. This option is available when using advanced options.
  • Added the ability to run a single sub-deployment when using advanced options. This lets you choose a specific sub-deployment from your list to run rather than having to deselect all sub-deployments and select the one you want to run. This action can be performed using the new button in the top right of a sub-deployment
  • builds that have been run on a server can now be downloaded from the three dot menu in the top right of the build screen. The build can only be downloaded if it is present on the server you have selected on the build screen.

Patch Changes

  • added the files column to the builds table
  • added a description to builds and deployments so comments can be added
  • there is now an option to delete a build from the OttoFMS outbox when you delete it from OttoDeploy. This allows you to do more discrete build management from ottoDeploy.
  • password input fields will no longer autocorrect or autocomplete
  • removed validation from schedule time in OttoDeploy. This will allow you to schedule deployments for servers in different timezones. The schedule time you enter is for the server timezone, not your current timezone. OttoFMS still does validation to ensure that the time you enter is in the future, but that validation is based on the server timezone.
  • otto theme color and tag are now stored locally, preventing a short instant of no color or tag on load into OttoDeploy
  • the sidebar will now remember whether it was opened or closed the last time you used OttoDeploy and will match that behavior
  • turned off fuzzy matching on the deployment and builds table, only exact matching will be used for searching.
  • fixed an issue where validation messages would be applied to the incorrect sub-deployment when only running some sub-deployments
  • increased the size of the close button in the review deployment screen


Released: 3/1/2024

Patch Changes

  • allow clearing of "Hide Unselected" button when no deployments selected
  • fixed an issue with the three dot menu on the deployments list opening the deployment rather than opening the menu


Released: 3/1/2024

Minor Changes

  • Redesign deployments list view. Filter by files, select deployments for custom filtering, and more.
  • Add file selection and sub-deployment selection to easily skip files or sub-deployments while still saving them in your Deployment
  • Builds and servers table updated and streamlined
  • added concurrency as an advanced option for a sub-deployment. This setting will work on servers running OttoFMS version 4.2.0 or higher and controls how many files will be processed concurrently.
  • Added build options for Just in time builds when using advanced settings. zip compression and memory levels can be adjusted.

Patch Changes

  • form fields with errors will now be cleared when you fix the error.
  • fixed a bug where the destination encryption key would not be used.
  • Add filename to destination field by default
  • Auto-select "migrate" if the file is already on the destination
  • added a flag on the build files table that shows whether or not that file will be cloned
  • updated the flow of deployment creation to call out the default file options button.
  • updated build flow to match deployment flow
  • wrap long build URLs in deployment review modal
  • Reduce frequency of build URL validation, avoiding a slow down when typing out build url
  • validation of source files from a build will now occur against the files in the buid, not the files on the source server
  • updated migration icon
  • the default use advanced settings function will now work properly when creating a new deployment
  • additional files to close dropdown is now searchable and has a max height, preventing it from extending past the edge of the screen if there are a lot of files on the destination.
  • fixed a couple of bugs with the file operation validation
  • the add/edit server modal will no longer close if you accidentally click outside of it while editing
  • custom file paths can now be entered into the destination locale option. This functionality will not work unless the destination server has been updated to OttoFMS version 4.1.1 or later.
  • the number of scripts running while creating a deployment or build has been reduced, meaning there will be fewer beeps that prevent you from interacting with the filemaker client
  • updated configure default file options button to make it more intuitive


Released: 2/13/2024

Patch Changes

  • copy build json and copy deployment json modals will no longer jump around when toggling secrets on and off
  • password field will now display the password instead of the username for migrations
  • OttoDeploy now prevents attempting to deploy a file onto itself (on the same server). Previously, migrations from a file onto itself were failing without a good warning, and installs and replaces do nothing. Now these operations will be prevented on the OttoDeploy side.
  • added better feedback for invalid file operations
  • added a default date of 1 hour in the future for scheduling a deployment. this default is only in the UI, it can be changed from the scheduling modal.
  • OttoDeploy can now display the FMS version when adding a new server even if it does not find ottoFMS on the server
  • added server tag and colors to the builds and servers lists
  • updated ui of the add/edit server modal to more closely match the input flow


Released: 2/7/2024

Patch Changes

  • The Pause Scripts function pauses even more scripts now
  • Better URL parsing when adding a new server
  • added option to hide build JSON secrets in the Copy Build JSON modal
  • will no longer show duplicate files in sile select modal if adding a file with the same name in a previous sub deployment.
  • install options overrides are now shown for install/replace operation
  • Disable autocorrect and autocomplete within all fields


Released: 1/26/2024

Patch Changes

  • files installed using the install/replace option are now properly flagged to be migrated in subsequent sub-deployments


Schema Changes

  • Added a Go to object at the end of many scripts to lower the number of beeps filemaker makes.
  • Added file icon

Minor Changes

  • Can now select installed files from previous sub-deployments for use in a sub-deployment.

Patch Changes

  • validate OttoFMS license when adding server to OttoDeploy
  • make server api key entry more clear
  • Fix OttoFMS console link on servers page
  • Default Rebuild Indexes and Reevaluate Field Calcs to No for new deployments
  • applying autosave fix to builds
  • Added file counts to the deployment review modal
  • fixed errors in schema upgrade process
  • fixing another bug with autosave saving forever
  • Add a warning modal when default credentials are detected
  • gave file select modals a height restriction so they won't extend past the screen edge
  • added option to pause queries in OttoDeploy so you can debug other files without being inundated with scripts. It is available on the Settings page.
  • Added a variety of informational popups and links to OttoDeploy
  • all filenames are now formatted the same way in ui
  • fixed tab order in file options modal
  • updating ui for servers and builds lists
  • Prefill the server nickname if available from the OttoFMS API
  • web updates will now be installed prior to schema updates.
  • updated review window to more closely match the setup in the deployment set up screen
  • fix top margins on all alerts without titles
  • we now show an error when you enter invalid credentials for admin api key creation
  • sort files alphabetically in modals and dropdowns
  • add copy build json button
  • made dpeloyment and build titles editing more intuitive
  • fixing ui bug with deployment list name
  • fixed link to the docs in the spotlight
  • fix: stop fetching build status once build is completed
  • made schema and data source for migrations more obvious in review window and file table
  • clarify deployment unable to send error
  • Support Otto Admin API Keys for servers
  • prevent autosave from running forever
  • removed userback from ottodeploy
  • scheduling from OttoDeploy failed
  • fixed a duplicate filename error in post deployment script select
  • added help menu with links to support and docs
  • File select modal now has a select all option that will select all files that are visible in the modal (only files filtered by the search are included)
  • clone selection in builds works with defaults properly
  • fix error with partial build url on autosave causing error and clearing all deployment info since last save
  • Copy Deployment JSON
  • rename Otto to OttoFMS in multiple places
  • add option to hide deployment secrets in copiable json
  • Link out to OttoFMS console for retrieving an API key easily
  • move build select and url entry for alternate source underneath source selection to clarify that it is from the source, not the destination
  • add install/replace file operation which allows OttoDeploy to dynamically choose to install or replace based on the state of the destination server.


Released: 1/18/2024

Patch Changes

  • fixed errors in schema upgrade process
  • web updates will now be installed prior to schema updates.


Released: 1/12/2024

Patch Changes

  • make server api key entry more clear
  • Default Rebuild Indexes and Reevaluate Field Calcs to No for new deployments
  • Added file counts to the deployment review modal
  • added option to pause queries in OttoDeploy so you can debug other files without being inundated with scripts. It is available on the Settings page.
  • fixed tab order in file options modal
  • Prefill the server nickname if available from the OttoFMS API
  • File select modal now has a select all option that will select all files that are visible in the modal (only files filtered by the search are included)
  • add option to hide deployment secrets in copiable json
  • Link out to OttoFMS console for retrieving an API key easily
  • move build select and url entry for alternate source underneath source selection to clarify that it is from the source, not the destination
  • add install/replace file operation which allows OttoDeploy to dynamically choose to install or replace based on the state of the destination server.


Released: 12/22/2023

Minor Changes

  • Can now select installed files from previous sub-deployments for use in a sub-deployment.

Patch Changes

  • validate OttoFMS license when adding server to OttoDeploy
  • Added a variety of informational popups and links to OttoDeploy
  • all filenames are now formatted the same way in ui
  • we now show an error when you enter invalid credentials for admin api key creation
  • sort files alphabetically in modals and dropdowns
  • clarify deployment unable to send error
  • scheduling from OttoDeploy failed
  • fixed a duplicate filename error in post deployment script select
  • clone selection in builds works with defaults properly
  • fix error with partial build url on autosave causing error and clearing all deployment info since last save
  • rename Otto to OttoFMS in multiple places


Released: 12/15/2023

Patch Changes

  • Fix OttoFMS console link on servers page
  • Add a warning modal when default credentials are detected
  • add copy build json button
  • made dpeloyment and build titles editing more intuitive


Released: 12/15/2023

Patch Changes

  • updating ui for servers and builds lists
  • fix top margins on all alerts without titles
  • fixed link to the docs in the spotlight
  • Support Otto Admin API Keys for servers
  • removed userback from ottodeploy
  • added help menu with links to support and docs
  • Copy Deployment JSON


Released: 12/5/2023

Patch Changes

  • fixing ui bug with deployment list name


Released: 12/5/2023

Patch Changes

  • applying autosave fix to builds


Released: 12/5/2023

Patch Changes

  • fixing another bug with autosave saving forever


Released: 12/5/2023

Patch Changes

  • prevent autosave from running forever


Released: 12/4/2023

Patch Changes

  • fix: stop fetching build status once build is completed