File Operations

File Operations

There are three main operations that you can perform on a file via OttoDeploy: Migrate, Install, and Replace. Each operation is described below. Note that "Close" is also a file operation, but it is exposed in OttoDeploy via the "Close Additional Files" setting.


In a migration, data from the destination file will be migrated into a clone of the file from the source. This is useful if you want to make changes to the schema of a file and need to migrate the destination data into the new schema. This will be the most used file operation if you are using OttoDeploy to migrate changes from a development environment to a production environment. Additional options can be configured for each file, such as which file OttoFMS will pull the accounts, value lists, and fonts from. These additional options can be seen in the file options menu.

The destination credentials for migrations are not required to be full access credentials. They only need to have migration privelages to run the migration successfully. Please note: If using a migration prevelage set to run migrations, the output logs will have significantly reduced verbosity. This is a limitation of the migration prevelage in FileMaker Server.


An install will copy a file from the source that does not exist on the destination. This is the operation that OttoFMS uses to install OttoDeploy onto your server. You can specify the destination folder in the file options.


A replace will copy an entire file from the source and replace the target file on the destination. This process is similar to the install operation, but it will overwrite the file on the destination rather than creating a new file.


The install/replace operation is a combination of the install and replace operations. This operation will copy the file from the source to the destination, but if the file already exists on the destination, it will be replaced.