
The settings page is where you can configure various features of OttoFMS, such as the Appearance, Offsite Backups, and more. Each section is explained on the screen.



This section allows you to control the appearance of the OttoFMS console. The settings within this section are stored with the server and will apply for any user that logs into the console and from any browser. Some settings (such as the color) are also used by OttoDeploy and the Ottomatic Cloud Console to help you recognize which server you are working with.

The only appearance setting that is not saved with the server is the light/dark mode toggle in the top-right of every page. In our experience, each user has their own preference for light/dark mode, so we leave this setting up to the user.

Theme Color

The theme color is the primary color used throughout the console. It is also the color used to identify the server in the Ottomatic Cloud Console and in OttoDeploy. The color can be specified using the theme color picker or by entering a hexadecimal color code. OttoFMS will take the color you enter and convert it to a set of values that can be used with the ui. This means that the color of the console sidebar may not exactly match the color you input, as it will generate a color based off of the color you input. If you choose a very dark color, the console primary color will most often generate to a lighter color.

Environment Tag and Server Nickname

The environment tag and Server Nickname fields are also simply for appearance and can be another way for you to easily identify which server you are working with. If you turn on the "Override FileMaker Server Name" toggle, OttoFMS will change the name of your FileMaker Server to match the Server Nickname you enter here. While this setting is on and OttoFMS is running, this name will always take precedence, even if someone were to change the host name of the FileMaker Server using the FileMaker Server Admin Console.

With OttoFMS version 4.4.0 and later, you can specify a custom environment tag and environment tag color, allowing you to use tags such as "TEST" or "TEMP" to identify your servers. This option can be managed by choosing the "+ Add Custom" option in the environment tag dropdown.

Custom Environment Tag

Custom Environment Tag Setup

This feature allows you to reliably identify your server from the FileMaker Pro client, using the Get ( HostName ) function. If an environment tag is set, it will be prepended to the nickname and in brackets. We suggest using some portable custom functions to read this value.

Left ( Get ( HostName ) ; 6 ) = "[DEV] "
Left ( Get ( HostName ) ; 6 ) = "[STG] "
Left ( Get ( HostName ) ; 7 ) = "[PROD] "

Offsite Backups

If configured, OttoFMS will automatically upload backups to an offsite location. This allows you to keep more backups without taking up space on your FileMaker Server and also provides an extra layer of protection in case your server is compromised.

For the best experience, we recommend using Ottomatic Cloud Storage (opens in a new tab) for offsite backups. It's affordable and offers a built-in integration to easily configure offsite backups in OttoFMS.

To configure offsite backups, you will need credentials for an S3-compatible storage provider. Upon configuration, you'll be prompted for the following information from your storage provider:

  • Endpoint: The URL of your S3-compatible storage provider.
  • Access Key ID
  • Secret Access Key
  • Region: Optional, but required for some storage providers
  • Bucket Name: The name of the bucket where backups should be stored.
  • Remote Folder Path: A sub-folder to store backups in, so that you can use the same bucket for multiple servers.

Additional notes and examples of some of the common providers are available here.

After entering this information, click the "Test" button to verify that OttoFMS can connect to your storage provider. If the test is successful, click "Save" to save the configuration. If the test fails, you will be prompted to correct the information and try again.

Backup Schedule

OttoFMS will create a FileMaker Server Scheduled Backup named OTTO_OFFSITE. By default it will backup all databases, to a folder it creates within the Remote Folder Path that you setup. You can modify the schedule to adjust what gets backed up and when, but you should not change the name of the backup schedule.

Including External Container Data

If you have additional Container Data Folders, they can be included in the backup to your offsite storage. Simply toggle the "Include External Container Data Folder" toggles for whichever folders you want to include in your backups and they will be included going forward.

Deployment Settings

During each deployment, OttoFMS creates a backup of each file before making any changes. This setting here allows to choose how many backups from these deployments you want to keep. The larger the number, the more space it will take up on your server.

For more information about Deployments, see the Concepts > Deployments page.

Build Settings

When you trigger a build from OttoDeploy or the OttoFMS Developer API, it is stored on the server. This setting allows you to choose how many builds you want to keep. The larger the number, the more space it will take up on your server.

This setting does not apply to "Just-in-time" builds, which are cleared from the server after they are downloaded.

For more information about Builds, see the Concepts > Builds page.

IP Filtering

OttoFMS can restrict access to the console and the api to a list of IP addresses. This can be used to prevent access from outside of a specific set of users. Be advised that this will restrict access to the OttoFMS console, the OttoFMS API, and the Data and Admin API proxies. Essentially, this will restrict access to all OttoFMS functionally from users outside of the specified IP addresses.


Accidentally locked yourself out of OttoFMS? You can always access the server directly to update the IP filtering settings. The filtered IPs are stored in a file called ip-filter.txt in the OttoFMS config directory. After updating or deleting the file you will need to restart OttoFMS (or wait a few minutes) for the changes to take effect.

If you are using the Ottomatic Cloud Console, turning on IP filtering may cause your server to lose connection and be unable to reconnect to the Console. If you are using the Ottomatic Cloud Console, we recommend not using IP filtering. We are working on a solution to allow the Ottomatic Cloud Console to connect to servers with IP filtering enabled.

Need help finding your IP address? You can use a service like (opens in a new tab) to get your public IP address. Simply add the IP addresses you find there to the list of allowed IPs to let your network access OttoFMS.

Popup Settings

There are a few places within the OttoFMS console where we use popups to promote other useful tools that can be installed on your FileMaker Server. If you've dismissed this popups and want to see them again, you can reset them here.

App Log

The App Log settings can be used to manage the App Log token for application logging through OttoFMS. See the App Log Guide for details on setting up application logging with OttoFMS.


Regenerating this token will cause existing logging to break, regenerate the token cautiously.

Server Info

This section shows the installed version of OttoFMS, your FileMaker Server version, and the registered machine ID that links this server to your license.

Restart OttoFMS

A convenient way to restart the OttoFMS process running on your server. For more information, see Restarting OttoFMS.

Deactivate OttoFMS License

Use this section if you need to change your license. After deactivating, OttoFMS will stop running until you enter a new license.